Tuesday, February 13, 2018

NC FTC State Tournament - the Outcome

What a day!  Started off with really bad news...F.I.R.E. was a man down - HackerMan had caught the flu.  First match of the day had field interference issues which caused Sharpay Francais to freeze.  Second match went well with alliance partner Charger Bots and a win over Circuit Shifters and Thales.  Third match the phones malfunctioned but alliance partner Night Owls carried the win.  Fourth match against Artificial Stupidity and Plan B went well leaving F.I.R.E. ranked 3rd overall.  Last and fifth match positioned F.I.R.E. in alliance with Autonomous Rex against #1 ranked Aperture Science and their alliance Deus Ex Machina.  In spite of F.I.R.E.'s helping Autonomous Rex right their balance and connectivity issues, Aperture Science and Deus Ex Machina carried the win.

Bots of Prey, F.I.R.E.'s awesome Winning Alliance partner from both previous qualifying tournaments, sought out F.I.R.E. to plan strategy.  F.I.R.E. now ranked 10th, but Bots ranked 5th.....there was a good likelihood that Bots would become an alliance captain! The day began to look up!  As alliance selection progressed,  #1 ranked Aperture Science invited #2 ranked Back to the Drawing Board and the invitation was accepted, so Bots of Prey moved up to the 4th seed!  Moving through the process, the 4 alliances were formed:  #1 seed alliance -Aperture Science, Back to the Drawing Board and Night Owls (ranked 12th);  (now moved up to) #2 seed alliance Circuit Shifters, Swift (ranked 9th), and Mechanical Maruaders (ranked 13th);  #3 seed Plan B, Wannabee Strange (ranked 11th) and Tundrabots (ranked 6th);  #4 seed Bots of Prey, F.I.R.E. (ranked 10th), and Techtonics (ranked 31st).  

In an astonishing turn of events, the first match of the semi-final rounds was an upset and resulted in the highest scoring match of the day:  the #4 seed alliance Bots of Prey and partner F.I.R.E. scored 506 to the #1 seed alliance's 386! Meanwhile, Plan B overtook Circuit Shifters.  In the second round of semi-finals Bots of Prey and Techtonics were again victorious to progress to the finals round.  From the other field, Circuit Shifters, Swift and Mech Marauders progressed as well.  

The finals round ensued. Several intense matches later, Bots and F.I.R.E. stood awaiting the referee's verdict on the color sensor arm that dropped at endgame due to a warn-out servo.  Was it touching the ground?  Could the thickness of a sheet of paper pass underneath?  This question was worth 20 points; it was the difference between being balanced on the stone or not.  It was the difference between Winning Alliance and Finalist Alliance. Sadly, the paper test did not pass.  The Blue Alliance took the win with best 2 of 3 and won the final match by a mere 9 points.

What a fabulous day with exciting opportunities and intense coopertition!

Finalist Alliance:  
#11528 Bots of Prey (captain), #6972 F.I.R.E. &  #8947 Techtonics

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Charlotte Qualifying Tournament 2-3-2018

Winning Alliance at the Charlotte Qualifier:
 #11528 Bots of Prey (Captain)
#6972 F.I.R.E. 
#5881 Tungsteel

Elimination Round 2
#1 Seed RED Alliance vs. #2 Seed BLUE Alliance
Match #1 Final Moments
Left side of field:  BLUE Alliance -Swift (close) & Guzzoline (far)
Right side of field:  RED Alliance - Bots of Prey (far) and F.I.R.E. (close)

What an intense set of elimination matches at the Charlotte Qualifier!  

F.I.R.E. was allied with team #11528 Bots of Prey and team #5881 Tungsteel as the RED Alliance.  Winning the best 2 of 3 against the #4 seed Captained by team # 6837 Cannon Brobots, the RED Alliance met up against team #7105 Swift Robotics (Captain), team #7300 Guzzoline, and team # 12080 Bobspeed -the BLUE Alliance.  

With a tied score of 1 to 1 in the second round of eminination matches, the unexpected third match was required to play.  Bots of Prey and F.I.R.E. set up for one final showdown.  Unbelievably,  both bots FROZE during this match!!  But both bots had such strong showings in the autonomous period that their combined scores overcame the BLUE Alliance 234 to 162.

Other recognitions for F.I.R.E. from this tournament:

2nd Place DESIGN Award

Industrial design at its best. This judged award recognizes design elements of the Robot that are both functional and aesthetic. The Design Award is presented to Teams that incorporate industrial design elements into their solution. These design elements could simplify the Robot’s appearance by giving it a clean look, be decorative in nature, or otherwise express the creativity of the Team. The winning design should not compromise the practical operation of the Robot but complement its purpose. 

3rd place THINK Award

Removing engineering obstacles through creative thinking. This judged award is given to the Team that best reflects the journey the Team took as they experienced the engineering design process during the build season. The Engineering section of the notebook is the key reference for judges to help identify the most deserving Team. The Team’s Engineering section must focus on the design and build stage of the Team’s Robot. Journal entries must include descriptions of the underlying science and mathematics of the Robot design and game strategies, the designs, redesigns, successes, and opportunities for improvement. A Team is not a candidate for this award if they have not completed an engineering notebook.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

On the Road with the Robot

Sharing STEM excitement is an expectation in the FIRST community.  It is great to see the reactions of students to the glowing green bot known as "Sharpay Francais".  

Local tournament coming up this Saturday!  

February 3
Kennedy Middle School
4000 Gallant Lane
Charlotte NC 282173

Robot rounds start after lunch.

See you there!